D.03.07. Techniques and Tools for Adaptation Vs2.0 incl. Handbooks

The objective of this document “D 3.7b - Techniques and Tools for Adaptation Vs 2.0 incl. Handbooks and Requirements Analysis Update”, confidential, is to give a final update on the use of the Adaptation Framework proposed and improved along the project and the last status about the development of the techniques and tools concerning Adaptation, and their integration in the different AdCoS.
The public document “D3.7a - Techniques and Tools for Adaptation Vs 2.0 incl. Handbooks and Requirements Analysis Update” will be an extract of the confidential one and will be available on HoliDes official site.
The ANNEX I concerning an update of the Communication Guidelines is added to the public document. The ANNEX II concerning the Handbooks is added to the confidential document. The ANNEX III concerning the Human Factor Guidelines is added to the public document. The ANNEX IV concerning the Requirements analysis and update is added to the confidential document.

Dissemination Level: 
Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the JU)